Building better together.
At Cybersource, we know people are at the heart of every transaction. So we put people at the heart of everything we do. We believe in fostering inclusive, equitable teams and embracing diversity as a way to build better solutions and businesses together.
We’re working hard to foster an environment where everyone is able to build better together. And right now we’re focusing on our developer community to address under-representation at Cybersource and within the industry.
Earlier this year we began highlighting stories of black developers, engineers, and architects in the industry, and we’ll be building on this through mentorships, webinars, hackathons, and more.
Meet some of the developers, architects, and engineers from our network as they share why and how they got into technology, and what they see for the future of our industry—and discover the continual evolution of our collective story of inclusion and diversity and a solution built by everyone, for everyone.
Building better together.
Follow us on our journey as we listen to global developers, engineers, and system architects talk about how we work together to build better together, and become the change.
How can we define diversity?
At Cybersource, we are looking to redefine diversity and inclusion beyond skin color, race, and gender, and broaden it to include different generations, different thinking, varied roles, expertise areas, approaches to ideation, and beyond.
What is access?
Join us as we build a discussion about the various ways we all define access in its many dimensions. Together, we can enable equitable access for a better tomorrow.
How do we improve access for those who lack it?
Cybersource employees discuss various ideas and approaches to improving everyone’s access to financial technology, resources, mentorship, and support in building businesses, no matter what size or in what geography or community.
How did I get started in development?
Cybersource developers, engineers, and system architects talk about how they got into tech, and how some took traditional and nontraditional pathways into rewarding careers—and offer advice for young people aspiring to the same goals.
Cybersource and our tech partner developers
Cybersource developers, engineers, and system architects from our CYBS technology partner ecosystem discuss what they like most about their jobs: creativity and problem-solving.
What would you do if you were CEO of the world?
Our developers, engineers, and system architects offer their candid thoughts about what they would tell everyone if they were CEO of the world.
What are some of your biggest failures or challenges?
Developers, engineers, and system architects talk about how failure is just part of the learning process—and how by bringing our best selves to the table every day, we’ll enable each other to build better, together.
What is the future of technology?
What do we think the future of payments will look like? In coming months and years, we will build on our foundation to ensure we’re creating flexible commerce solutions built by everyone, for everyone.
What is your greatest success?
Hear real stories from real people, including global partners and businesses who are all working to build better together.
What’s holding back the tech industry?
Is our largest roadblock our own fears? Let’s break down barriers together and promote equality, access, opportunities, people, enablement, a shared vision, shared languages, and shared goals.
What do you look for in a great partnership?
Hear directly from the voices of developers on how we can create powerful partnerships so to create the best solutions built by everyone, for everyone.
What got you into this field?
Developers, engineers, and system architects talk about creating, building, and innovating together— because a diverse, equitable, and inclusive economy is better for everyone.
How do we better support minority-owned businesses?
We can help extend community access to financial technologies, resources, mentorship, and support—to build businesses of all sizes, in varied geographies, in all communities.
What are we doing well when it comes to diversity and inclusion?
We are breaking down barriers and celebrating diversity and inclusion. But we also need to keep up the pace.
Visit our Developer Center for all the guides and documentation you need to integrate the best of Cybersource into your ecosystem.